sabato 19 febbraio 2011


L'ottima Carolina Lio "esporta" una parte della giovane eccellenza artistica italiana in terra di Finlandia. In questa mostra
trovano spazio per esprimersi, tra gli altri: Luca Bidoli e Silvia Argiolas. Sarebbe da organizzare il viaggio, anche perché Helsinki merita essere visitata!
p.s. Scusate ma il comunicato l'ho trovato solo in inglese

a cura di Carolina Lio
00130 Gallery, HELSINKI
martedì 8 marzo · 
18.30 - 21.30

In Faulty Fables, eleven Italian artists are invited to describe the situation of art and culture in today's Italy. The curatorial idea is to do that using one of the most common languages of that country's artists: the ironic, fantastic and - sometimes - grotesque expression. In this project, all artist is building a wr
ong fables, telling some dark story of losses. Actually, in none of the art works there is a declared reference to Italy, but the sense of a huge disappointment from the gaining ground generation, it is clear. Starting from violent and intense paintings as the ones by Silvia Argiolas or Angelo Di Dedda, we can read a tales made from a gloomy and sarcastic point of view about life. Marco Carli Rossi is identifying this abstract evil in a metaphoric monster that he paints in order to could materialize and then destroy it, while Elena Monzo and Galileo Sironi are playing in a funnier and more ironic way, using collages and other handmade interventions as - respectively - needlework and calligraphy, to distort the world and compose it again in a parodoxism. Instead, Luca Bidoli and Fiorella Fontana work with a minimal and clean drawing that describes the human archaic defeats. Luca Bidoli, replacing human heads with animal ones, talks about the end of the human illusion of being a deity and the awareness to belong to the food chain as any other animal. In the meantime, Fiorella Fontana is remembering the ancient Greek myth of Pan and of his primordial time when evil didn't exist. Three videos reinforce the idea of something wrong, giving also a sense of sacrifice. Silvia Camporesi recovers the tragic figure of Ophelia from Skakespeare's Amleto; Cristian Niccoli films in slow motion the fall of a man in the empty space; and Giordano Rizzardi creates a video in which the fairy tales of Snow White is going with images of an autopsy made on an apple, symbolizing the sacrifice and the death of nature and all it is authentic. In the end, the installation by Alessandro Biggio summarizes with strength and effectiveness all feelings of all invited artists and of an entire generation. His work consists in some little cones made in ash and in his intentions this is all that remains of the dead stars, with all metaphorical meanings we can assign to that.
The exhibition will be accompanied by a critic text about the new Italian artists, the situation of the culture in this country and how it is influencing artists' choices.

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