venerdì 29 giugno 2012

PopSurrealism - Stay Foolish

Bella idea, bella mostra, artisti molto interessanti... peccato il comunicato stampa solo in inglese... anche se la mostra si tiene a Rivoli ed è organizzata da una galleria di Roma... mah!

PopSurrealism - Stay Foolish
venerdi 6 luglio 2012

Museo Casa del Conte Verde
Via fratelli Piol 8
Rivoli (TO)

dal 6 al 29 luglio 2012

Mostra Internazionale a cura di Alexandra Mazzanti
e Alessandro Icardi

“Life is too short to give rationale more space than necessary”
“Si vive troppo poco per concedere spazio al razionale oltre al necessario” 
show curated by Alexandra Mazzanti and Alessandro Icardi

Show Featuring:
Aron Jasinski – Ana Bagayan, Ahren Hertel – Alessia Iannetti – Yosuke Ueno, Alex Gross – Andy Fluon – Angelo Barile – Benjamin Lacombe – Camille Rose Carcia – Clementine de Chabaneix – David Stoupakis – Dimitri Yakovin – El Gato Chimney – Enrico Robusti – Esao Andrews – Jeff Soto – Joe Sorren – John Brophy – Jonathan Viner – Kathie Olivas & Brandt Peters – Ken Keirns – Koralie & Soupakitch – Kris Lewis – Leila Ataya – Lola Gil – Marion Peck – Mark Elliott – Mark Ryden – Matthew Pasquarello – Mia Araujo – Michael Page – MissVan – Naoto Hattori – Natalie Shau – Natascia Raffio – Nathan Spoor – Neirus – Nicoletta Ceccoli – Paolo Guido – Paul Chatem – Ray Caesar – Ron English – Sam Punzina – Sas & Colin Christian – Scott Musgrove – Seven Moods – Tara McPherson – Tim McCormick – Travis Louie – Valentina Brostean.

On June 6th till June 29th 2012 the prestigious location from the fifteenth century Museum Casa del Conte Verde in Rivoli –Torino will host the second edition of the show Pop Surrealism – What a WonderFool World that took place in June 2010 at Museum Carandente in Spoleto during the Festival Dei Due Mondi.
The exhibition project called Pop Surrealism – Stay Foolish, curated by Alexandra Mazzanti and Alessandro Icardi in collaboration with Dorothy Circus Gallery, wants to re-propose the “Pop Surrealism” exhibit – a very successful event held at Spoleto’s “Museo Carandente” – on the contemporary art scene and is sponsored and promoted by the City of Rivoli and supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.
As in the first edition, the works of the most important experts of International Pop Surrealism are on show: a selection of 54 artists that includes the renowned leaders of the movement who have become its very icons, and a new proposal by the major representatives of European Neo-Surrealism. Authors of a possible Contemporary Surrealism, the artists reveal a new world, half way between reality and reverie, where each image resembles reality but transcends it, narrating a new and ancient mythology, offspring of a transversal, multi-purpose, electronic epoch.
The second edition of the “Pop Surrealism” exhibit underscores the concept of “Wonderfool”, synthesis of surreal innocence and folly, and, quoting Steve Jobs’ genial credo “Stay foolish!” dedicates the event to those who believe in the force of creativity.
“We must be positive, optimistic and visionary and contribute with humility, passion and tenacity to the asymptotic construction of beauty. A vision where the lightness of the idea, at the limits of utopia, merges with its responsible placement within reality. And the reality that we must pursue is comprised of objectives and programs to be architectured through engineering abilities.
In synthesis, the call to deal with the detail simultaneously with the global, refers to apparently opposite faculties of our brain, and more generally, to the vital essence of every being: the dynamic balance between antagonistic forces.
Hence the rational function, built individually through knowledge, must be flanked by the critical ability for intuition connected to the great common soul; science, finally listened to and utilized, must be flanked by conscience.
And the no longer differed bet to build the possible future world passes through rediscovery and the ability to create “foolish” visions and new architecture”. Alexandra Mazzanti

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